Types of Content in Wetu
At Wetu we know that content is a crucial part of selling experiences to your travelers. We have a team dedicated to getting content loaded for you. We can also facilitate conversations with your top providers to encourage them to add their own content.
Our content is specifically defined dependent on how it is used within the system and as a result, it is not always aligned with some regional definitions. If you have any questions, reach out to our Content Team.
Below you will find a brief definition of the content type and a few examples.
These would be places where travelers sleep while on holiday such as:
- Hotels
- Guest Houses
- Short-term Rental
- Villa
- Lodge
- Motel
- Rail
- Boat
- Mobile Safari
- Camp/Seasonal Camps
- Vehicle
A geographical or conceptual area or region where a traveler will be staying
- Country
- Provence/State
- Town/City
- Tourist Region
- Nature Reserve
- Conservation
In Wetu, a Destination is linked to an accommodation within the area. When the accommodation is added to an itinerary, the Destination is automatically populated.
Attractions & Landmarks
This is a single location of a place of interest, that a traveler would visit during their travels. These can range from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural landmarks and entertainment.
- Entertainment
- History & Culture
- Leisure
- Nature
- Shopping
- Wildlife
Things to do
This term refers to the activities that are offered for travelers to partake in. This can be at an Attraction & Landmark or separate. The Activity is linked to a single location.
- Adventure
- Leisure
- Outdoor
- Sport
- Watersport
If you want to add multiple activities into one experience, this can be loaded as a Component or a Day Tour.
Food & Beverage
Places where a traveler would go to enjoy a meal. It can also include some form of entertainment.
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Bar
A place where events, meetings or large activities take place.
- Conference Center
- Stadium
- Expo Center
- Corporate Facility
Important map locations that indicate a point within a travelers journey. These are needed to build routes within the system, however, do not include any images or descriptions.
- Harbor/ports
- Airport
- International Airport
- Airfield
- Train StationsInfrastructure
Information / Services
These would be any services or people you work with within your itineraries that you would like to link for travellers.
- Information
- Meet and Greet
- Person