Themes: Classic Template Settings

Various options exist within the Theme Customiser under Classic Template Settings which enable you to customise the layout of your Digital Itineraries.

This functionality is only available on the Digital Enterprise package

In this article 

Getting Started
Header Mode 
Itinerary Name Location
Contact Position
Trip Summary Mode
Trip Information Mode 
Display Overview Images 
Price & Terms 
Destination Mode
Accommodation Mode 
Accommodation Info Mode 
Daily Information Mode 
Map Mode 
Transport Page Mode 
Information Mode 
About Us Mode 

This article will describe the different options available for customising different areas of the Digital Itinerary. The best way to see how the different options affect the look of your Itinerary is to play around in the Theme Customiser, using the Preview Window.


Navigation above - Narrow Width

Navigation above - Full Width

Navigation above - Full Width with Spacing

Navigation below - Narrow Width

Navigation below - Full Width

Itinerary Name Location

Title Bar 
This setting will remove the name of the itinerary from the banner image and either place it above the banner image or below the banner image. The placement depends on the Header Mode that has been selected. 

Tabbed with itinerary name in Title Bar

Navigation above with itinerary name in Title Bar 

Navigation below with itinerary name in Title Bar 

Banner Image 
This will add the name of the itinerary in the Banner Image. The placement of the itinerary name in the banner image will depend on the Header Mode Setting

Tabbed with itinerary name on Banner Image

Navigation above with itinerary name on Banner Image 

Note: The image above represents the output for any Navigation Above option you set your Header Mode too.

Navigation below with itinerary name on Banner Image  

Note: The image above represents the output for any Navigation Below option you set your Header Mode too.

Contact Position

Navigation Bar  

Banner Image

Note: The above example is with  Header mode set to  Navigation above - Narrow Width. The behaviour will remain the same for any other  Header option, except if  Header mode is set to  Tabbed

Trip Summary Mode:




Wetu Suggests: To populate the area around the trip summary better, set the Trip Information mode to Grid as well. Compare with image below


Wetu Suggests: The Card trip summary mode is a great layout to apply for when you are building an itinerary with mobile accommodations, as it would list the camps/stops in a more concise and understandable manner making it easier for your clients to read. 

Timeline with Map

Timeline with Background Image

Note: The background image cannot be predefined. The image is taken at random from the destinations featured in your itinerary and will change each time the itinerary is opened.

Masonry Timeline

Trip Information Mode

Side Bar



Vertical Tabs

Display Overview Images

By having this option selected, the destination and accommodation images will be displayed on the overview page of the digital itinerary. To remove these images untick the option. 


In Digital Itineraries, Documents added in the Additional Details Step of the Itinerary Builder can be displayed either as a standalone page or in the same section as the Trip Information on the Overview screen. This preference can be set up from the Admin Panel.

Once in the Admin Panel, click on Themes. Click on Manage next to the Theme that you want to change the document display settings for. Scroll down to Classic Template Settings. Documents appears above Price & Terms. Select Standalone Page or Same as Trip Information from the dropdown menu.

  • Standalone Page - This is the default setting. Document display as a separate screen in the Digital Itinerary.
  • Same as Trip Information - Documents will display in the same section as the Trip Information in the Overview tab of the Digital Itinerary.

Price & Terms

Same as Trip Information

Note: if set to Same as Trip Information, the display will vary based on the display option you have selected in the Trip Information Mode

Standalone Page

Destination Mode




Six Image Gallery

Five Image Gallery

Gallery Carousel 

Gallery Slider

Accommodation Mode


Gallery - Carousel

Gallery - Embedded Thumbnails

Accommodation Info Mode



Daily Information Mode



Centre Timeline - small

Centre Timeline - large

Map Mode

Separate Page

Overview Page

Note: If Map Mode is set to Overview and Trip Summary Mode is set to Timeline with Map, there will be no repeat of the Map on the Overview page. If the Map Mode is set to Overview there will be no Map tab in the menu

Transport Page Mode


Vouchers with Images

Vouchers without Images

Information Mode

One Column

Two Column

About Us Mode

This option functions in exactly the same manner as the Information Mode. It will separate the paragraphs into two columns if that option is selected.

When uploading an Image a window will pop up for you to select your relevant photo. You'll want to choose or crop a photo that has a high resolution and meets the recommended ratio, so the image fits in ideally.  

Landing Page Cover Image

Click '+Upload' next to the Landing Page Cover Image to change the Landing Page image that your client will see when they first look at the Digital Itinerary.

Note: The Cover Image will be first to display when you open the Digital Itinerary (i.e on the Landing Page). You'll want to choose a high-quality photo/image for your Cover Image. If you have chosen to display a slideshow earlier in your Theme options, the uploaded cover image will be first to appear in the sequence of images in the slideshow.  

Banner Image

Click on the '+Upload'  button next to Banner Image to change the top image in your header on the Digital Itinerary. Should you choose not to add photos to the Theme, it will default to the content provided by the Wetu system. 

Printable Itinerary Cover Image

Click on the '+Upload'  button next to Printable Itinerary Cover Image to apply a cover image on the first page of the Printable ItineraryThis option is only applicable to your Printable Itinerary. 

Note: Wetu will suggest the recommended image sizes for you to load.  If you choose a larger photo then the Wetu system will automatically crop it for you.
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